Choosing Between Hot Rolled Steel & Cold Rolled Steel

Steel is manufactured in many grades, specifications, shapes, and finishes each with unique properties. They are widely used in infrastructure, appliances, vehicles, and other applications. Steel manufacturers in India follow different manufacturing processes which have a significant impact on steel products. The differences between hot rolled steel and cold rolled steel are the key distinctions among the pre-fabricated steel products. By understanding the differences between hot and cold steel, you can choose one over the other for your need very easily. The process of making is the main difference between hot rolled steel and cold rolled steel which also affects the application and the performance. This should not create confusion with formal grades and specifications of steel relating to metallurgical composition and performance ratings. Different grades or specifications of steel can either be hot rolled or cold rolled including carbon steels and other steel alloys.


Hot rolled steel is ideal for products that require less tolerance as it is roll-pressed at very high temperatures above the temperature of re-crystallization for steel. So, steel is easily formed and the products made from it are easy to work with. As a part of the manufacturing process, the length of metal called billet is heated and sent for pre-processing. It is flattened into a large role there and sent through a series of rollers at high temperature to reach the final dimensions. In the process of cooling, there is less control over the final shape making the steel less suitable for precision applications. Hot rolled steel is put to use when specific dimensions are not so important like in railroad tracks and construction projects where surface finish isn’t a key concern. In situations where surface finish is important, scaling can be removed by grinding, sandblasting, or acid-bath pickling.


Cold rolled steel is harder and stronger than hot rolled steel and is ideal for products which require exact dimensions and high rated surface characteristics. Cold rolled steel is also resistant against tension breaking and deformation. It is simply hot rolled steel which is further processed. When the hot rolled steel is cooled down, it is re-rolled at room temperature to have more exact dimensions and better surface qualities. Other forms that are pulled like bars or tubes are drawn but not rolled. Other cold finishing processes include grinding, turning, and polishing which prevents unpredictable warping. Its applications are where aesthetics are important but come at higher prices due to the additional processing.


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