List of Important Materials Used at Every Construction Site

Every construction needs a few essential items. Cement, TMT Bars, Sand, Bricks are some of the most common materials are used in construction. Depending on its quality, a structure gets its strength and longevity. Hence, ignoring quality can have detrimental effects.
Mentioned below is a list of materials used in a construction site:

Sand, bricks, Steel Bars are a few materials that are bind with cement during construction. Cement acts as a binder in every construction. There are a few types of cement as mentioned below:

33 Grade Cement: 

For general constructions, 33 Grade Cement is used. This type of cement is suitable for lower concrete grade such as M15 or M20.

43 Grade Cement: 

Plastering, concrete work, precast items such as tiles, blocks etc. are a few places where 43 Grade Cement is used. For concrete grade mix upto M30, this type of cement is convenient.

53 Grade Cement:

When the concrete grade is on or over a mix of M2553, grade cement is used. It has a composite strength of 53N/mm2 after 28 days of curing. Today, use of higher grade cement is essential. It is the most popular for all types of construction.


TMT Bars determine the strength of the structure. They bond with RCC and keep the structure erect. It comes in Different Grades as per Indian Standards (IS) such as Fe 415 | Fe 415D | Fe 500 | Fe 500D | Fe 550 | Fe 550D | Fe 600. Mainly Jindal TMT bars are used in construction as the Jindal TMT bar price is very reasonable.


Different types of sands are available in the market used for construction. It provides bulk, strength and other properties essential for a structure. The various types include:

  • River Sand: 

River sand is collected from the bank of the river and whitish grey in colour. It is very effective for plastering and many other purposes.

  • M Sand: 

It is a substitute of River Sand. Its manufacturing process follows a guideline set as per Indian Standards codes (IS). M Sand is manufactured by granite/basalt rock is crushed for manufacturing it.

Cold-rolled Steel

It is known for its extreme ductility. Commonly, cold rolled steel is used for building steel sheds, industrial buildings, and garages.


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