All You Need To Know About Pre-Coated Sheets

Pre-coated sheets are available in an extensive range of models which can be used as excellent material for a wide variety of architectural styles. Pre-coated sheets are produced by pre-painted and prefinished processes as opposed to color coated sheets, which are produced by putting the color coating on the sheet after the sheet is already completely formed.

The main advantage of sheets undergoing the pre-coating process is that it is able to offer a homogeneous coating along with a very reproducible thickness, color, and finish. This inadvertently helps in achieving a better life for the structure as well as pleasing aesthetics. These sheets are dimensioned for exact specifications which makes them immensely easy to use and are important building materials for roofs and walls.

These sheets, being sufficiently malleable, pliable, foldable, durable, ductile and flexible, making it possible to transform the designs and structural design of the building structures and give place for innovative thinking. These sheets take less time to be installed and are very economical which further reduces the ease of use. With these remarkable features and more, pre-coated sheets have wide applications like detached houses, terraced houses, residential multi-story buildings, recreational dwellings and agricultural construction.
  1. Cleaning of Sheet: Whole sheets are first cleaned in order to give it a good finishing.
  2. Chemical Coating: Through a chemical process, the coating is done on the sheets. The coating is done on both top and backside to evenly spread the coating.
  3. Drying: The whole sheets are dried by heating.
  4. Guard Film: Guard the film is coated to protect the surface of the sheets.
  1. Lightweight: Throughout processing of pre-coated sheets, keeping the density low and the strength high is given the utmost importance. For this reason the area of the sheet able to be easily installed or dismantled without any difficulty.
  2. Fine Finish: These sheets are uniform quality and the colors are coated uniformly colored coating.
  3. Good Heat insulation: The color the coating on these sheets has strong insulating properties and thus these sheets give excellent protection against heat.
  4. Water-resistant: These sheets are specifically manufactured to be completely water-resistant owing to the areas of use. For example, pre-coated sheets used for agricultural infrastructure must necessarily be water-resistant to protect agricultural perishable products.
  5. Weatherproof: Without getting damaged, these sheets can bear extreme weather conditions
  6. High strength: Better tensile strength makes these sheets to bear heavy loads.
  7. Attractive appearance: The sheets are available in an attractive range of colors that make these sheets very appealing in look.
  8. Eco-friendly: These sheets are manufactured in compliance with environmental safety.
  9. Economical: Since they require no added coating and have high durability, compared to other range of cladding sheets, lots of saving can be achieved.
Pre-coated sheets have wide applications, some of the areas where they can be used are listed below:
·         Storage buildings
·         Exhibition halls
·         Gymnasiums
·         Industrial buildings
·         Shopping malls
·         Glasshouses
·         Household roofing
·         Commercial buildings
Thus, precoated sheets are extremely versatile and easy to use. The pre-coated sheet price in India varies from state to state but is averaged around 250-300 rupees per square meter.


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