The Myth about Metal Roofs & Lightning Debunked

Over the years, people have believed that roofing sheets are a poor choice as they are more prone to damage during lightning. This statement is absolutely false. After proper research, experts have reached the conclusion that metal roofing sheets are perfectly safe. They do not attract any extra attention from lightning similar to the traditional building materials. All buildings are designed in a manner that whenever lightning strikes, electricity will be safely transferred to the ground without affecting the residents. Further, as metal is inflammable, the chances of a fire from a lightning strike is pretty less.


The myth came into play as metal is known to be a good conductor of electricity. Hence, when lightning strikes, people expect metals to boost the damage. However, it is proved that metal roofs do not attract lightening and are not targeted by lighting more frequently than any other roofing material.
Lightning will strike if it is a:

High point
Thin point
Structures that cover a large area of ground

Considering these factors, the chances of a home or building getting hit by lightning totally depend on the height, size, and area that structure covers. Currently, no invention has been made that can reduce the likeliness of getting hit by a lightning strikes.
In some cases, it has been found that using metal roofs actually helps in reducing damage. When lightning strikes, the destructive element that comes into play is fire. As metal sheets have a non-combustible nature, the chances of damage are pretty less.


The materials used to build a structure hugely determine the safety of the residents when it is struck by lightning. Hence, one can ensure safety and avoid damage by using metal as it is a good conductor of electricity.
Being a conductor, metal spreads the force of the electricity instead of allowing it to concentrate in one place. Hence, the impact of the force diffuses to a huge extent. The conductor will carry the electricity to the ground reducing the damage on the property. The second issue with lightning is fire. Any combustible material with catch fire when struck by lightning. Buying tin-coated steel roofing sheets and installing them will reduce the chances of fire as they are fire-resistant.

If you are buying steel for packaging or roofing, always buy from reputed brands like JSW.


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