What It Takes To Accurately Build A House

  Building one’s own home can evoke a number of feelings in any person. While, you might be terribly tensed about managing finances, handling multiple chores, contacting construction workers, gathering information about the top steel manufacturers in India, there is a sense of joy springing inside you about finally having your own home. Mind you! Building a house isn’t a passive exercise! This requires meticulous training and you being extra alert. There are a few things that you must be extra cautious about. House building entails a number of risks and here is what you need to do to be right:  

Enquire about the reputation of the builder 

Before calculating the numbers, the very first thing you should do is enquiring about the reputation of the builder. The Internet is a great place to do research but we suggest you ask your friends who already had the experience of going through all these things. A good builder can even help you manage your finances and get everything done at the right time. 

Think about resale 

Now, many of you would say that why would anyone remotely think about resale if it is their house but it is best to be open to all sorts of possibilities. Building a house can be an emotional process for you but also think about its potential resale value. There is also a chance that you might settle at a better place sometime in near future. While building the house, also consider what other might like in it if you have to sell it in the future.    

Consider Green 

With environmentalists screaming about issues of deforestation, global warming, and climate change, government is also taking important steps to bring development and environment in harmony. In order to follow a greener path while building your house, all you have to do is take care of few things such as installing HR sheets instead of steel ones, using low water system in your laundry and washroom, having a terrace garden and solar panel.    

Be ready with a Punch list 

A punch list is a list which is created at the very end of construction. This list includes all the things that still have to be done or rectified. You usually have to create this list with the contractor. Make sure you create it a month before the completion of your house. If you miss out anything then you might have to pay a good amount even for a menial job later on.   


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