Fixtures you should look out for while bathroom revamping

Revamping the bathroom is one of the toughest challenges a home owner faces. Sometimes or we must say in most cases, besides installing fixtures and other accessories, home owners need to do roof, door and other construction fixtures as well. Many prefer installing Galvalume coils or high-quality TMT bars on the sides or the roof as they provide overall strength to the entire structure. 

Also, one has to ensure that there is sufficient space available after installing all the essentials. Besides a toilet, shower and washbasin, there are many other things a washroom requires to appear appealing and overwhelming. 

Mentioned below are 4 things that every modern washroom requires      

Robe Hooks  

A washroom needs a neat look to appear elegant and stylish. It should be well-organized and have a dedicated space for every aspect in the washroom, which is why interior designers suggest installing robe hooks inside the washroom. A robe hook provides a convenient space for hanging clothes and towels. Unlike rails, the chances of your clothes falling off the hook are very less. Moreover, they appear very stylish and add to the aesthetic appeal of the washroom.  

Stylish Faucets

Every washroom needs faucets and there is nothing new about it. However, opting for stylish faucets that many high-end brands offer can completely change the look of the washroom. Attractive faucet designs like spread-fit faucet, wall mount faucet, centre-set faucet, etc. elevate the overall look of the washroom. As different faucet designs look better with different themes, always consult an expert before deciding on the type of faucet you want to install in the washroom.  

Roof fixture 

This may sound a little peculiar but it should not be overlooked. Look for electrolytic tinplate sheet if you have direct connection with the solar panel and see if it fits into your budget. A washroom’s environment always remains moist and that increases the chances of ruining the roof than any other space within the house. Hence, considering roof fixture is essential. If possible don’t mind splurging money on high quality TMT bars as they have a long shelf life.     

A Mirror

A mirror is, without any doubt, one of the most essential items of a bathroom. The ideal location for installing a mirror is right above the sink where you can see yourself every time you wash your face. Besides being functional, it adds up to the aesthetic appeal. Also, to make the washroom more sophisticated and artistic, you can choose from a huge array of appealing designs available in the market.  


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