All You need To Know About Galvalume

Many projects require that steel be prevented from oxidation, this can be done by layering it with a protective coat. Galvanizing is a popular method that most are aware of – which involves applying a zinc coating to steel by hot dipping it in molten zinc in order to prevent corrosion. Another suitable option is Galvalume. 

What is Galvalume coating? 

Galvalume is a coating that uses zinc, aluminium and silicon to protect a metal, primarily steel from oxidation.  Just like the process of galvanizing, galvalume is a sacrificial metal coating which corrodes on its own by being present on the outer layer, but protects the base metal.Once the steel is dipped in the metal mixture Galvalume coils, galvalume metal roofing sheets and other galvalume products are produced. Galvalume is applied to steel using a hot dipping process.

What is the use of Galvalume?

Galvalume is popularly used to shield iron-based alloys that rust easily. Galvalume-coated steel is better equipped to resist oxidation as compared to plain carbon steel as the zinc and aluminiumact as protection for the underlying steel. This makes it suitable for adverse environmental conditions as zinc readily oxidizes as compared to the steel it has coated. This is exactly how galvanized steel works. 

One of the most common applications of Galvalume steel is formetal roofing sheets, asgalvalume coils, for outdoor metal panelling. Galvalume steel is corrosion resistant is better suited for places with adverse climatic conditions such as snow, hail and rain. 

Difference between galvalume steel and galvanized steel 

The primary difference between galvanized steel and Galvalume steel is the coating. The process of galvanizinginvolves dipping the steel into pure hot molten zinc whereas galvalume involves dipping the steel into a mixture of hot molten zinc, aluminium, and silicon. These are in the ratio of almost 50% zinc, slightly more that 50% aluminium and traces of silicon. Galvalume is more aesthetically appealing than hot-dipped galvanized steel.

The advantage of Galvalume over galvanized steel is that it offers enhanced protection. Over a period of time the performance of Galvalume is superior to galvanized steel. It doesn’t compromise on its protection abilities even when the coated steel is exposed to liquids or water that speeds up the oxidation process. Galvalume-coated steel offers protection for decades and will be less likely to rust than galvanized steel.

However, a disadvantage is that galvalume is not suited for alkaline environments. In that case galvanized should be used. 


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