Your checklist before buying TMT rods

TMT steel bars sit on an important position in the checklist of structural construction systems as they are most widely used for the past few years seeing to the characters like more tensile strength, high elongation properties as well as proper bending strength. This guide will help you notice important things that you may skip your mind.

Manufacturing process

The above-mentioned point always plays a vital role in the making of TMT steel rods. Many of the old techniques are considered obsolete nowadays, bringing to light new advanced technologies of modern manufacturing. You can see the TMT rods now manufactured using the new temp core technology, refusing the old method of cold twisting. If you are missing this out, then it's important to know, TMT bar meaning is Thermo-mechanically treated bar.

TMT grades

The strength of a rod depends on its grades. In the case of TMT rods, the higher the grade, the more will be the strength. 

Brand certification

This should be another important factor on your checklist when you buy TMT bars. Always look for the brands certified by BIS and ISO, as it will assure you that safety and quality standards are being properly followed.


Flexibility and proper bending strength are some of the best qualities a TMT bar should hold if it has to withstand strength for a longer duration. These properties are to ensure that your construction doesn’t break or bend easily as well does not form any cracks.

Corrosion Resistance

Corrosion can be prevented from happening as it can create severe issues to your construction, leading to a greater damage option. Choose TMT that are corrosion resistant and can withstand moisture and other weathers.

Elongation capacity

Whenever you visit a store to buy TMT steel bars, you must do an elongation capacity test yourself. It will help you learn about the ductility of the bars. It will help you in several ways as more ductility saves your extra construction charges and leads to cheaper transport rates.

Naked eye test

Here you need a little help from an expert. Check for the rust-free bars and fresh stock before you buy. You also need to see if the length of each pack is equivalent. Never ignore the brand logo.

Compare Suppliers

Never hurry to buy. Consider few things before you make your decision. Comparing is one of them. Compare the stock you wish to buy among various suppliers. Have a clear idea and study of brands, their prices, and the quality of the TMT bar you are buying. Once you are done with your research, then you are ready to choose a perfect one for your construction.

So, the things mentioned above are to be considered before you make your decision on buying TMT steel bars. If you still stand confused, you can always go for JSW neo steel FE550, which is perfect for earthquake-prone areas, more resistant to shock as well have the characteristic of higher tensile strength and flexibility.


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