An Overview of Galvanized Steel

The Concept of Galvanization 

Generally, metals with a high content of iron are susceptible to erosion. Galvanization is the process of applying zinc coating to these metals like steel or iron to protect them from excessive rusting and increase their durability.

Although there are different processes of galvanizing like hot-dip galvanizing, galvannealing, pre-galvanizing, electro galvanizing, the most common and widely used method is hot-dip galvanizing.

Galvanized steel is the most popular and widely used type of steel because of its high durability and strength. In addition, the zinc coating safeguards the metal from excessive corrosion, thereby resulting in a high-quality steel product.

Why is Galvanized Steel used extensively? 

The various reasons due to which galvanized steel is used widely are-


Due to the low cost, galvanizing is highly preferred. The raw materials are affordable and easily available, which makes the process simple. Galvanized products do not require any post-processing or coatings and can be immediately used after delivery.

High Durability:

Galvanized metals have higher durability than bare steel or iron. This is because galvanizing provides a tough layer which not only reduces rusting but also increases durability. Galvanized metal generally has a lifespan of 50 to 80 years. They also offer better protection when exposed to severe climatic conditions. So they are always the first choice for any construction project.

Total Protection:

In galvanizing, zinc serves as the 'sacrificial anode' to ensure that any part of the damaged steel is protected by the surrounding zinc coating. Even if the galvanized steel is completely exposed, the zinc will wear away first, giving sufficient protection to the entire steel surface.

Environment Friendly:

Zinc galvanizing is a very environmentally friendly product that protects the steel. Little waste is produced due to the coating, which ultimately reduces the amount of scrap metal. Moreover, as galvanization does not produce any volatile organic compounds that increase greenhouse gas, it does not affect human health.

Ease of Inspection:

They can be inspected visually without any complex machinery. For advanced inspection, there are several non-destructive testing methods to make sure whether the galvanizing process is perfect.

Uses of Galvanization-

Galvanized metal is the ultimate choice if your project is exposed to harsh environmental conditions.

Galvanized metals are used in wind and solar industries due to less corrosion. They do not produce any emissions and require very little or no maintenance.

Over the last century, galvanized metal has become the ultimate choice for the construction industry, both residential and commercial, due to its durability and resistance. Structures like fencing, staircase, walkways, roofs are also made of galvanized metals.

Maintenance of telecommunication lines is not an easy job, as they are very tall and cannot be reached easily. So galvanized metals are used by the telecommunication industry because it reduces the risk of damage and maintenance.

Rust-resistant galvanized metals are also widely used in the automobile industry because it provides anti-rust warranties to customers.

So, if you are in need of steel supplies, you can opt for JSW Steel. They have an extensive range of high-quality steel products to cater to the requirement of any project.  


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