Hot rolled steel: Advantages and Disadvantages

Hot rolling is a process where you heat the metal above the recrystallization temperature so that you can plastically deform it in the rolling or working operations. You use this process to create shapes with the desired geometrical dimensions and the material properties and maintain the same metal volume. Then, the hot metal is passed between two rolls so that you flatten it, lengthen it and reduce its cross-sectional area. Then, you can obtain the uniform thickness. Hot rolled steel is the most common product of the hot-rolled process, and you can use it in the metal industry as raw material or end product for subsequent operations. There is a lot of usage of hot rolled steel in India, but it comes to many advantages and disadvantages. So, let us have a look at them to get the clarity. 

Advantages of Hot Rolling:

1. Mechanical Properties Improved:

The mechanical properties like resistance to shock, toughness, flexibility and percentage elongation are improved now. 

2. Grain Structure Refined:

Now the grain structure of the metal is refined, which means that the coarse grains are converted into grains, and it changes the properties of metal. 

3. Porosity Eliminated:

In the hot rolled steel, there is no scope of the porosity. Thus, it produces a strong and uniform structure. 

4. Impurities Uniformly Distributed:

The impurities like slag are distributed evenly through the hot rolled steel. They are concentrated at one position inside the metal, making it weaker. 

5. Low Pressure Required:

The deformation of the hot rolled steel is easy due to the high temperature of the metal being rolled. This will reduce the pressure requirements. 

Disadvantages of Hot Rolling:

1. Expensive Process:

This is an expensive process because it requires costly tools and excellent skills to handle and maintain them. 

2. Correct Temperature Difficult to Maintain:

The correct temperature range for working is hard to maintain. 

3. Poor Surface Finish:

The higher temperature of the working causes scale formation and rapid oxidation on the metal surface. This will give a poor surface finish and loss of material strength. 

4. Difficult to Maintain Close Tolerance:

Due to poor surface finish, you cannot maintain close tolerance. 

Uses of hot rolled steel:

The process of hot rolled steel makes the material more malleable, which will make it easier for it to be rolled. The hot rolled steel is used as a material for structural components. The uses of hot rolled steel include:


Railroad tracks

Structural Sections



The hot rolled steel is exceptionally malleable, and you cannot use it for intricate products. You can use this for simple-shaped items like poles and beams. Also, since exact dimensions are not required, and the appearance of the steel is not that important, some companies prefer using scaly products in metalworking or machining. 

When choosing the suitable material for the product, ensure that you understand the material manufacturing methods. There is no point in spending more money on something you don’t need. Therefore, hot rolled steel is the better choice when the demands are not high. You can learn steel rates in India, especially from JSW Steel, one of the best steel manufacturers. 


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