How to choose the best Galvanised Solar Steel?

Galvanized steel in India is a popular material for solar hot water panels because of its durability and low cost compared to cold-rolled steel. In addition, color is an important part of the aesthetics of the panels. While most people prefer 'silver,' some like the look ' galvanized.' Under certain conditions, this type of steel can rust or corrode and therefore stain the panels a dull orange color. This lowers the value of a solar hot water system and reduces its energy production, which makes it important to prevent rust from developing in the first place.

To make sure you choose galvanized steel for your solar hot water panel, here are seven points that should be considered:

1) Cleaning-

Provided your panels are made from suitable steel, you should be able to remove the surface rust using a wire brush and an alkaline cleaner. This can remove corrosion without having any impact on the coating. However, if the panels have been stored for a long time before installation or have not been well maintained afterward, you may have to remove the rust by hand.

2) The Right Coating-

If your steel surfaces are clean, they will not corrode or rust since metal cannot be corroded itself. Therefore, if you want galvanized surfaces for aesthetic reasons, choose a quality coating instead of stainless steel. This should stop any corrosion from developing.

3) Storage Location-

The initial, abrupt exposure of galvanized steel to high temperatures can cause it to rust quickly since the salt in the product is very sensitive to temperature changes. You should allow your panels to cool before further storage or transportation if this occurs. You should also avoid long periods of exposure to moist conditions and rain since this can accelerate corrosion.

4) Maintenance and Repair-

Even if your steel panels are well maintained, they may still rust under certain conditions, such as if their coating is damaged or incorrectly applied. For example, if the surface has been scratched, you should apply protective paint. For other problems such as dents or missing coating areas, you should have these repaired by a metal fabricator.

5) Site Location and Positioning-

Two main factors determine the corrosion resistance of galvanized steel: The type of substrate or base metal underneath and the environment. For example, if your panels have been installed on a concrete slab, this will keep them protected from rainwater but still allow heat through. However, if the steel is directly exposed to a source of moisture, such as a wall or a shaded area, it will be more likely to deteriorate.


To prevent rust from developing on galvanized steel in India, you should choose a good quality coating and ensure it is clean and well maintained. Heat will always speed up corrosion, so you should keep the panels away from sources of moisture such as walls and shaded areas to prevent this from occurring. You should also avoid long periods of exposure to moist conditions and rain without protective paint.

By following the above points, you will be more likely to find galvanised steel panels that are suitable for your solar hot water system unlike cold rolled steel. You should then have no problems with rust developing on these surfaces, allowing them to perform at their best for many years experts like JSW suggest this to use. 


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