Epoxy Coated Reinforcement and Crack Control

Epoxy is a coating consisting of an epoxy resin and a polyamine hardener, which, when mixed, results in a durable coating material due to the chemical reaction between them. They are known for their excellent mechanical properties like hardness, physical and chemical resistance impact, and abrasion-proof ability, which extend the life of the material. 

Epoxy coatings safeguard the steel from contact with external deterioration like oxygen moisture salts like chlorine, thereby providing longevity to the structures. Fusion bond epoxy (FBE) is widely used to protect TMT pipes and connections. Steel wire rods require this coating in order to increase the sustainability of the said material. Epoxy bars help and protect reinforcing steel from any water intrusion, which can oxidize and corrode steel. It is a highly effective protection system.

The process of this coating involves the first step of cleaning and debridement of the surface from any sort of contamination. Later epoxy coats are sprayed by using spray guns as a dry powder on previously pre-heated steel, which melts and cures to form a uniform thickness of the 200-300micrometre thickness of the coating. Then these coated bars are given thermal treatment by keeping them at 225 degrees C and passed through the cooling tunnel where water is sprayed to cool them. For an effective coating that stays bonded to the substrate, it is essential that:

There is a strong adhesion to the substrate surface.

It provides high mechanical strength.

It is temperature resistant to all seasonal changes.

It is able to block all penetrative materials.

It has low permeability to gases and water vapor.

Has good resistance to erosion by environmental factors such as soils, saltwater, plant root invasion microorganism caused destruction and aging

These epoxy-treated bars are widely used in buildings, industrial foundation coastal sea walls, marine structures, salt exposed areas: water treatment plants, bridges, and piers.

These coated bars have low maintenance costs, but you have to take care of them while transporting, and storage bundles are stored in a proper way as timber cribbing. A suitable opaque material is used to protect the exposed bar. Coated and uncoated bars are kept separately while moving them, it has to be lifted and set, not dragged, and the same material does patching, and when required, the bars are cut using biding wire field cutting and not by flame machines. These precautions can reduce substantial damage and add longevity to the coated bars and sheets.

One of India's most prominent construction manufacturing industries, JSW MSME offers a wide range of steel bars based on cost, quality, and sustainability. JSW TMT bar prices range from Rs. 54,000 per tonne. Not only steel, but they also specialize in cement, infrastructure, sports, and more.


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