How does the Hot Rolling process work?

Most of the metal sheets you see around are inputs that have undergone various stages. These stages are arranged in a sequence, and the input (metal) is processed under all the orders. This process is known as rolling. Rolling takes place in various ways; through heat or cold.

Hot rolling refers to the process of heating the metal to recrystallization temperature and shaping the metal according to the client's need. Here the main objective of heating the metal is to elongate the metal and decrease the thickness. Hence, that can be used as raw material or for the final inputs.


Primary Rolling

In the first step, the metal is put inside the roller machine. Roller consists of two rollers (upper and lower), supporting rollers, roll stand, and flywheel. Here the main objective of the roller mill is to convert metal ingots to stock members like blooms or slabs. In the primary stage, the machine eliminates the internal defects and improves the mechanical properties.

Hot rolling 

The next stage converts the blooms and slabs to the desired shape. Finally, a wide flange beam mill converts the metal to the desired shapes and structures according to the layout present in the roller mill. The hot-rolled sheets are now ready with the less thick material and elongated thin sheets to be ready to enter for the final stage.

Metal sheets are used in automobiles (truck) or aeroplane wings, mining, and also in agriculture.

Points to remember:

The metals are heated at 950-1000°, which is incredibly high. 

The ingots are heated up to 12 degrees celsius.

The surface is oxidized in the air resulting in scale formation.

The temperature remains constant for all the sheets.

Variation in heating can make the slabs different while utilizing the material.

Cold rolling

In the last stage, in which the final touch-up is given to the hot-rolled sheets. It is the final stage where the metal is ready for packaging. The final stage is the crucial stage, as it involves closer dimension tolerances, surface finish, and checks on the strength of the material. Casted ingots, blooms, and slabs vary in size (small, medium, and large).

Wrapping up:

The metal sheets are passed through various processes to give them the desired shape. The metal is ready to use without compromising its properties. JSW Hotrolled Steel has the expertise in providing the best hot rolled products. They also provide coloured coated sheets with enhanced corrosion resistance. To make your property appealing and strong, check out the JSW to get the best advice for buying your raw material. The hot rolled steel is better, as it gives you excellent outputs in plates.


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