Different Kinds of Roofing Sheets

A roof's purpose is to protect the house, shed, or any other structure it is built for. Minor variations in the weather can end up causing a hassle later if the roof isn't built to last. This is why shed roofing sheets, sheets suitable for garages, etc., vary in material and build to suit the different conditions the structure is subjected to.

Roofing sheets are an essential investment that pays off in the long run. Here are the different kinds of roofing sheets that can help you narrow down your choices:

Polycarbonate sheets

These sheets are made from polypropylene resin. They are easy to cut, highly durable, and lightweight. They can tolerate fluctuating temperatures and harsh chemicals. They also have insulating properties that reduce the heat entering through the roof.

Plastic roofing sheets

Plastic roofing sheets are mainly used for temporary constructions and smaller structures. They have the least durability among all the roofing options available here. The durability will vary with the type of plastic used. The stronger the plastic, the more it will cost. These roofing sheets, however, cost less than slate roofs. Therefore, you can choose plastic roofing sheets depending on the budget and the requirement of the structure.

Corrugated roofing sheets

Corrugated sheets are sheets that have multiple folds looking like several waves. The multiple folds make the sheets robust and able to withstand harsh conditions. The wavy structure provides strength that flat roof sheets can't. Some of the corrugated sheet varieties are:

Galvanized steel sheets

Galvanizing means applying a coating of zinc to steel for protection. A sheet that has undergone such a process is called a galvanized iron sheet or a gi profile sheet. The zinc coating provides resistance to corrosion. Zinc deteriorates at an extremely slow pace, ensuring a long roofing sheet life. The look of these sheets is also pleasing compared to asphalt shingles.

PVC plastisol sheets

Plastisol sheets are galvanized steel sheets that have primer paint on them. PVC is then rolled onto these plastisol sheets. These sheets don't get scratched easily and are durable, lasting over 30 years.

Polyester painted sheets

Sheets, with a coating of polyester paint, act as a cheaper replacement for roofing than PVC plastisol sheets. It has a medium-length life, with maintenance required every five years. 

Sheet metal

Roofing sheets made of sheet metals are similar in composition to corrugated sheets but have much fewer curves. Made from aluminium or stainless steel, they have a protective layer of zinc and a layer of chromic acid on top of it to prevent rusting. These roofing sheets are very strong, durable, easy to install, and lightweight. They are also weatherproof and have insulating properties. In addition, their material prevents leakages, and a coating of aluminium asphalt provides greater longevity. They are used for industrial roofing, garages, garden buildings, backyard sheds, etc.

You need to assess the area, weather conditions, budget, and structure's purpose to decide on a roofing sheet. Many companies provide these. JSW Coated Steel is India's largest coated steel manufacturer and offers roofing sheets and many other products.


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