Composition and Types of TMT Bar

TMT bars, also known as thermo-mechanically treated bars, are used in large numbers in the construction industry. Whether for dams or bridges, you need TMT bars o construct and maintain these structures adequately. For their multi-dimensional uses, TMT bars have several characteristics. With a soft core and hard exterior, TMT bars resist heat and corrosion. 

Although they are mostly made from iron, TMT bars do not always share the same characteristics as that steel rods. Able to withstand any load, TMT bars are an indispensable element of the construction industry today. Therefore, one should always go to trusted manufacturers such as JSW Neo Steel when purchasing TMT bars. There are several kinds of TMT bars, and their composition varies accordingly.

Types of TMT Bars:-

Fe 500 Grade: This is the standard and most conventional TMT bar. It is ideal for all kinds of construction and supports buildings and structures. It offers a valuable combination of strength and ductility, thus being a favourite to be used while constructing high-rise buildings, stadiums, bridges or multi-story residential buildings. The Fe 500 Grade TMT bars are composed of the following elements:-

1. Phosphorous: 0.055 per cent

2. Carbon: 0.30 per cent

3. Sulfur: 0.055 per cent

4. Sulfur and Phosphorus: 0.110 per cent  

 The ductility provided by Fe 500 Grade TMT bars is more than that offered by the Fe 415 Grade kind. 

Fe 550 Grade: This is even better than Fe 500 Grade. It has a higher tensile strength and offers better ductile support. Thus, these kinds of TMT bars are used for commercial, industrial, and large-scale projects. Fe 550 Grade TMT bars are the most suitable option, whether in underground construction, marine projects or power plants. The TMT Saria price in UP varies according to its usage. With a fair share of elements such as carbon, sulfur and phosphorous, Fe 550 Grade. You should always purchase TMT bars from trusted manufacturers like JSW Neo Steel.

Fe 600 Grade: This is the strongest of the three TMT bars. It is also the penultimate grade of steel that you shall obtain. These are used in very exclusive and selective projects which need heavy elements. The composition for this kind of TMT bar is:-

1. Carbon: 0.30 per cent

2. Sulfur: 0.04 per cent

3. Phosphorus: 0.075 per cent

4. Sulfur and Phosphorus: 0.075 per cent

Composition of TMT Bars:-

Despite there being several kinds of TMT bars, four elements remain the same in all of them, namely:-

1. Sulphur

2. Phosphorus

3. Sulfur and Phosphorus

4. Carbon

All these elements help to increase the ductility and strength of the TMT bar. However, when they are used in varying degrees, it produces different grades of TMT bars. 

Uses of TMT Bars:-

Extremely useful in earthquake-prone areas. As TMT bars are both flexible and strong, it is advisable to use them in areas prone to frequent earthquakes.

They are used for construction purposes – flyovers, stadiums, buildings, and power plants. 

TMT bars are an essential part of the construction process, and you should select the type of TMT bar according to your use. 


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