Metal Roofing from the Architectural Point of View

The widespread usage of metal roofing for construction projects throughout India attests to the fact that unpleasant corrugated sheets are no longer the sole option. Metal roofing has improved in commercial and residential construction because of new styles, forms, colours, patterns, profiles, textures, and breakthroughs like eco-friendly roofs. As a result, metal roofing is a favoured option despite its upfront cost due to its durability. Learn more about the type of materials used for metal roofing, its benefits and more.

Metal Roofing Benefits

The benefits of metal roofing include its excellent fire resistance, which accounts for its widespread use on industrial structures.

Metal roofs have been proven to outlive conventional roofing materials under high-wind situations.

The majority of steel roofs have a 50-year warranty. In addition, premium paint techniques and coatings are utilized on metal roofing to prevent chalking and colour fading.

Practical heat reflection from metal roofs reduces heat absorption, decreasing air conditioning expenses.

Metal roofing gives architects a great deal of design versatility. JSW Steel is the best steel company in India, giving you the right solution for your needs. Check the type of metal roofing you want now.

Most metals may be reused without compromising essential qualities, promoting environmental friendliness.

Metal roofs are among the lightest roofing materials, which is advantageous in earthquake zones and for retrofit projects. However, there is no doubting their strength.

Installation is rapid and straightforward.

Conventional Roofing Materials

The several material choices include:

Steel: One of the most widely used and cheap materials, steel benefits are its durability and resistance to corrosion thanks to a zinc coating or paint.

Aluminium: It is a highly favoured option since it is portable, robust, malleable, ductile, and corrosion-resistant. Since it reflects light at a rate of more than 80 per cent, industrial structures frequently utilize it. 

Copper: Roofing with copper requires the most amount and is typically utilized in smaller spaces. Although it is susceptible to deteriorating to a green colour over time, it is corrosion-resistant and does not require painting. There should be a caution to avoid coming into contact with other metals. It is beneficial for recycling.

Zinc: Zinc is recyclable, corrosion-resistant, and much more durable than steel. The very high initial cost is the sole drawback.

Titanium: It resists air corrosion, is lightweight, and has excellent strength.

Galvanized Steel: Galvanized steel, which has a zinc coating applied, is frequently utilized in industrial and commercial settings. It is affordable, lightweight, and robust and may come into close touch with concrete and brickwork. However, if it comes into contact with copper, bituminous coating insulation is required.


In conclusion, there has been a shift in the building design, speed and efficiency in construction, and use of materials. Metal roofing is an attractive option that helps the changing industrial world. Along with other benefits, metal roofing enables the materials to be reused and repurposed. JSW Steel is an industry-leading company where you can find all types of roofing sheets for your needs. If you are looking for a metal roofing solution, go for the best. GI profile sheet can give you a lot of benefits over others depending on the conditions.


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