Why does cold-rolled steel tend to be used in home appliances rather than hot-rolled?


Hot- and cold-rolled steel are both widely used steel materials. They have other features in addition to being used for various things. Additionally, their production process differs. There are several uses because of the various features. Cold-rolled steel is used instead of hot-rolled steel, mainly for household appliances. This blog discusses the benefits of using cold-rolled steel for appliances over hot-rolled steel. 

What are the benefits of cold-rolled steel over hot-rolled steel?

Cold-rolled steel offers several benefits over hot-rolled steel, including:

Improved surface finish

The rough, scaly surface on hot-rolled steel is removed during the cold-rolling process. For this reason, the cold rolled steel coil appears smooth and glazy.

Greater dimensional accuracy 

Cold-rolled steel has improved dimensional accuracy compared to hot-rolled steel. The cold-rolling process allows for precise control over the steel's thickness and shape.

Increased strength and hardness

Cold-rolled steel is typically more robust and harder than hot-rolled steel due to the cold-rolling process. Cold working increases the steel's strength by aligning the grains and increasing density.

Better weldability

Cold-rolled steel has a better surface finish than hot-rolled steel, making it more weldable. Solid and reliable welds are now more straightforward to produce as a result.

Better formability

Cold-rolled steel has better formability than hot-rolled steel because the cold-rolling process improves the steel's ductility. It allows it to be shaped into various forms without cracking or breaking.

Why is cold-rolled steel preferred for home appliances?

Cold-rolled steel is preferred for home appliances due to its characteristics that match appliances' needs. 


Although attending to a product's functional requirements is vital, more is needed to ensure commercial success. Customers seek fashionable designs and emphasize how items feel and appear. Therefore, the appliances must have a good surface finish and dimensional accuracy for pleasing aesthetics in home appliances. 

Ease of cleaning 

Because cold-rolled sheets have fewer surface imperfections or blemishes than hot-rolled ones, goods made from cold-rolled steel have a smooth, clean surface devoid of rust or oxide deposits. Additionally, this steel is well-suited for painting and has higher corrosion resistance. Furthermore, cold-rolled steel is suitable for cleaning because the surface becomes smooth, unlike hot-rolled steel, which has a rough surface.


A smooth surface finish can protect the appliance from scratches, dents, and other forms of damage, which can increase cold-rolled steel's lifespan. In turn, it benefits home appliances because manufacturers can guarantee a long life to their customers. 

Reduced friction

A smooth surface finish can reduce friction, improving the performance of moving parts in the appliance, such as door hinges and drawer slides. In addition, using a cold rolled steel tube makes the moving part of an appliance function better. 


Cold-rolled steels are often stronger and more rigid than ordinary hot-rolled steels in terms of physical properties. As the metal is formed at cooler temperatures, work hardening increases the steel's toughness, resistance to tension breaking, and deformation resistance. As a result, using cold rolled steel in home appliances strengthens it and increases its longevity. 


For these reasons, cold-rolled steel is preferred for home appliances rather than hot-rolled steel. Companies like JSW ColdRolled Steel can provide superior quality cold-rolled steel for making good home appliances. Therefore, buying materials from reputed companies is advisable only for better quality.


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